Days of the People of Goodwill at Velehrad are surely the biggest celebrations connected with a national holiday of the Czech Republic. They have been taking place for 16 years already, on the occasion of the Day of the Slavonic Missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius.
more informationThe five-part docudrama will map the lives and work of the Slavonic missionaries Cyril and Methodius, primarily in an educational format.
more informationOn the occasion of the “Cyrillo-Methodian jubilee”, educational workshops for children and youth will emerge, the main aim of which will be to familiarize children with the Cyrillo-Methodian legacy in an amusing and practical way.
‘The Way of the Two Brothers’ is the title of an art competition for children 3 to 11 years of age. It is regularly announced within the July Days of the People of Goodwill at Velehrad. The aim of the project is to explain roots of our culture to children, impairing a positive model for life in the present.
It is an important spiritual center, a destination of frequent ecclesiastic pilgrimages, gatherings and Cyrillo-Methodian celebrations.
more information8.3.2013
The Slovak National Museum - The Museum of History invites its visitors for viewing a new exhibition called "Brothers who Changed the World - Constantine and Methodius". The exhibition commemorates the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius to the territory of Great Moravia.
The Masaryk Museum, a subsidized organization of the South Moravian Region, is organizing, through its subsidiary, the Slavonic Fortified Settlement in Mikulčice (National Cultural Monument), a history olympiad on the theme of "Great Moravia and the Solun Brothers, Saints Cyril and Methodius".
Two big and traditional pilgrimages to Velehrad are underway: the Cyrillo-Methodian Pilgrimage Levý Hradec - Velehrad (32nd year) and the Pilgrimage to Velehrad (13th year), Both of them will reach their destinations, Velehrad, in groups counting several hundreds of pilgrims on Saturday 24th August 2013.
In fall 2011, during the 36th assembly of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, the Cyrillo-Methodian anniversary was proclaimed this year's World Anniversary of UNESCO.
This year, 1150 years will have passed since the arrival of the missionaries to Great Moravia. Also Hradiště will join in the celebrations, which will take place all over the country. On 16th June, within the celebrations, a festive unveiling of a statue of Saint Rostislav will take place there. The city of Znojmo has contributed to the statue financially as well.
We are bringing you information about lectures that have been prepared in connection to the anniversary of Saints Cyril and Methodius, which will take place in the Museum of Kroměříž District.
A temporary exhibition for the 1150th anniversary of their work among the Slavic people.
Cardinal Dominik Duka OP invites to the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of the patrons of Europe to Great Moravia. On the day of the original feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 9th March 2013, the Bishop of Pilsen, Mons. František Radkovský, will be the main celebrant of the 10 a.m. holy mass in the Cathedral of Saint Vitus.
Modrá at Velehrad - A little bit of a film, a little bit of a document or docudrama. That is the format of the prepared four part epic document titled "Cyril and Methodius - Apostles to the Slavs". The Czech Television as a co-producer visited today's demanding shooting of fight scenes between inhabitants of Great Moravia and Franks. The battle from 870 was shot in the park of the open air museum not far from Velehrad. The docudrama will hit the screens on 5th July on the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of the Slavic missionaries.
more29. 6. 2013
On Thursday 27th June 2013 at 1 p.m. in the Exposition on the second floor of Baťa's skyscraper a press...
27. 6. 2013
In the year when the Czech Republic and Slovakia commemorate the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of the...
25. 6. 2013
On the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the Slavic mission to Great Moravia, an official commemorative...
20. 6. 2013
Every year, since 2006, an art contest for children aged 3 to 11 titled "The Way of the Two Brothers" has been...
18. 6. 2013
Roman Catholic parish Velehrad invites all those interested in film to the Velehrad spiritual film seminar.
17. 6. 2013
ZLÍN, VELEHRAD – Already second international conference on the project titled "European Cultural Path of...
Here are our roots.
(Blessed John Paul II, 22nd April 1990, Velehrad)
They wanted to become part of those nations and to share their destiny in everything. Here, in this place, at Velehrad, in Moravia, we can feel the historical legacy of the kingdom in a peculiar way – we can feel even those who became its keepers and guardians.
(Blessed John Paul II)
For us, people of the present age, their apostolate contains even the elocution of the ecumenical appeal, i.e. to build unity again, in a peaceful reconciliation, which later after their deaths was heavily damaged, and in the first place the unity between the East and the West.
(Blessed John Paul II)
Their work is also a very important contribution to the growth of the common Christian roots of Europe, which by their firmness and viability create one of the main contact points, which must be respected by every serious attempt at reunification of our continent in a new and topical way.
(Blessed John Paul II)
The story of both brothers, Cyril and Methodius, is a distinct example of unity.
Saints Cyril and Methodius contributed, to a great extent, to the building of Europe, not only regarding its Christian religious community but also concerning its civil and cultural unity.
(Blessed John Paul II)