Days of the People of Goodwill at Velehrad are surely the biggest celebrations connected with a national holiday of the Czech Republic. They have been taking place for 16 years already, on the occasion of the Day of the Slavonic Missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius.
more informationThe five-part docudrama will map the lives and work of the Slavonic missionaries Cyril and Methodius, primarily in an educational format.
more informationOn the occasion of the “Cyrillo-Methodian jubilee”, educational workshops for children and youth will emerge, the main aim of which will be to familiarize children with the Cyrillo-Methodian legacy in an amusing and practical way.
‘The Way of the Two Brothers’ is the title of an art competition for children 3 to 11 years of age. It is regularly announced within the July Days of the People of Goodwill at Velehrad. The aim of the project is to explain roots of our culture to children, impairing a positive model for life in the present.
It is an important spiritual center, a destination of frequent ecclesiastic pilgrimages, gatherings and Cyrillo-Methodian celebrations.
more information23. 11. 2012
Prague: The first swallow of the Cyrillo-Methodian celebrations will be an exhibition opening “Diktatura versus naděje” (Dictatorship versus Hope), which will take place at the Papal university, Santa Croce, on 26th November 2012 at 2 p.m. Its theme is persecution of the Catholic Church in the period of communism. “It is also to remind us of spiritual traditions, thus also of the Cyrillo-Methodian one. It remembers relations with the Vatican in the period of the iron curtain. The exhibition also reminds us of the Year of Faith that is under way,” said Doc. Jaroslav Šebek, one of the co-organizers of the exhibition.
Those who participated in the committee had informed one another about projects they are preparing for the next anniversary year. According to the deputy of the Ministry of Culture, PhDr. Anna Matušková, there are three exhibition projects being prepared under the gestion of musum institutions – in Olomouc, Brno and Prague. The exhibition in Prague will take place in the Monastery of Saint Agnes of Bohemia.
In October, a seminar titled “Cyrillo-Methodian Inspiration” took place at Velehrad. The event, in which 90 teachers from the Czech Republic participated, was considered successful. At the same time, contests were announced – literary and historical ones and also an art contest for pupils from elementary schools or perennial grammar schools. Members of the commission received a calendar of events which various institutions prepare for the anniversary. More events keep being added to the calendar.
One of the activities that react to the upcoming anniversary is a longer-term project titled European Cultural Paths of Saints Cyril and Methodius. One path of such a sort leads through our territory already. It is a Jewish one. The theme of the route planned now is the mission and operation of Saints Cyril and Methodius at various places in Europe. Partners from individual European countries are gradually joining this project. The project is not related only to tourism but also student exchanges are planned as well as research projects. “It is something that should live even after the Anniversary year has finished,” said Pavel Macura, secretary of the commission.
Also two big conferences are planned: one at Stojan’s grammar school at Velehrad, which will take place from 13th to 17th May 2013, with a title “Cyrillo-Methodian Mission and Europe”. The main organizer is the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences in Brno, in cooperation with other workplaces. For the days between 3rd and 7th June, a conference at Charles University in Prague is planned, with a field trip to Velehrad. Its theme is the reflection of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition from the 19th century to the present. Various fields, including theology, will be represented at that conference.
“We want to conceive the Cyrillo-Methodian celebrations as a return to the times when there was only one Church,” the head of the Orthodox Church, Archbishop Kryštof, emphasized and added, “The Anniversary allows such an approach.” He mentioned the film document about the Solun brothers, which is emerging at this time. “Prague should know that it was also Cyrillo-Methodian and at that time there was only one group of people who called themselves Christians”, the Archbishop went on to say and added, “It is good to show values, which all of us Christians advocate and have in common. Everybody has space to express them in their own way. For example, the Orthodox Church prepares an exhibition of icons.”
Celebrations of the Cyrillo-Methodian anniversary will take place also in Slovakia. They will culminate in the National Cyrillo-Methodian Pilgrimage in Nitra on 5th July 2013 and will be continued with celebrations at Devín. In that connection, at the suggestion of Prof. Piťha, the members of the commission expressed their opinions on the topical situation in Slovakia, where the National Bank issued an official coin in the value of two euros, on which Saints Cyril and Methodius are depicted on request of the European Union without their aureoles, so that “religious neutrality would not be violated”. “This is a fundamental violation of the rights of minorities – in this case, Christians in Europe. Violation of the freedom of expression and the freedom of worship”, said Prof. Petr Piťha. President of the Czech Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Dominik Duka, also expressed his opinion on this issue. Based on the information he received in the course of the session of the commission, he approved of such an attitude and added it was “trampling on the Christian identity in Europe”.
29. 6. 2013
On Thursday 27th June 2013 at 1 p.m. in the Exposition on the second floor of Baťa's skyscraper a press...
27. 6. 2013
In the year when the Czech Republic and Slovakia commemorate the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of the...
25. 6. 2013
On the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the Slavic mission to Great Moravia, an official commemorative...
20. 6. 2013
Every year, since 2006, an art contest for children aged 3 to 11 titled "The Way of the Two Brothers" has been...
18. 6. 2013
Roman Catholic parish Velehrad invites all those interested in film to the Velehrad spiritual film seminar.
17. 6. 2013
ZLÍN, VELEHRAD – Already second international conference on the project titled "European Cultural Path of...
Here are our roots.
(Blessed John Paul II, 22nd April 1990, Velehrad)
They wanted to become part of those nations and to share their destiny in everything. Here, in this place, at Velehrad, in Moravia, we can feel the historical legacy of the kingdom in a peculiar way – we can feel even those who became its keepers and guardians.
(Blessed John Paul II)
For us, people of the present age, their apostolate contains even the elocution of the ecumenical appeal, i.e. to build unity again, in a peaceful reconciliation, which later after their deaths was heavily damaged, and in the first place the unity between the East and the West.
(Blessed John Paul II)
Their work is also a very important contribution to the growth of the common Christian roots of Europe, which by their firmness and viability create one of the main contact points, which must be respected by every serious attempt at reunification of our continent in a new and topical way.
(Blessed John Paul II)
The story of both brothers, Cyril and Methodius, is a distinct example of unity.
Saints Cyril and Methodius contributed, to a great extent, to the building of Europe, not only regarding its Christian religious community but also concerning its civil and cultural unity.
(Blessed John Paul II)