The Days od Goodwill

  • Here are our roots.

    (Blessed John Paul II, 22nd April 1990, Velehrad)

    They wanted to become part of those nations and to share their destiny in everything. Here, in this place, at Velehrad, in Moravia, we can feel the historical legacy of the kingdom in a peculiar way – we can feel even those who became its keepers and guardians.

    (Blessed John Paul II)

  • For us, people of the present age, their apostolate contains even the elocution of the ecumenical appeal, i.e. to build unity again, in a peaceful reconciliation, which later after their deaths was heavily damaged, and in the first place the unity between the East and the West.

    (Blessed John Paul II)

  • Their work is also a very important contribution to the growth of the common Christian roots of Europe, which by their firmness and viability create one of the main contact points, which must be respected by every serious attempt at reunification of our continent in a new and topical way.

    (Blessed John Paul II)

  • The story of both brothers, Cyril and Methodius, is a distinct example of unity.

    Saints Cyril and Methodius contributed, to a great extent, to the building of Europe, not only regarding its Christian religious community but also concerning its civil and cultural unity.

    (Blessed John Paul II)

We cooperate

  • Senát PČRVláda ČR
    Poslanecká sněmovna PČRMinisterstvo kultury ČR
    Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČRMinisterstvo zahraničních věcí ČR
    Česká biskupská konferenceAkademie věd České republiky
    Zlínský krajVelvyslanectví ČR při Svatém stolci
  • Jihomoravský krajOlomoucký kraj
    Římskokatolická farnost VelehradObec Velehrad
    Město Uherské HradištěMěsto Staré Město
    Město HodonínPravoslavná církev v českých zemích a na Slovensku
    Centrála cestovního ruchu Východní MoravyPETARDA PRODUCTION, a.s.
  • Three Brothers s.r.o.Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
    Masarykova univerzitaUniverzita Karlova v Praze
    Slovácké muzeum v Uherském HradištiMoravské zemské muzeum v Brně
    Muzeum umění OlomoucCentrum Aletti
    Masarykovo muzeum v HodoníněCzechTourism
